Wonderful place! Especially the fact that the Skin Specialist is so knowledgeable about skin procedures that actually delivers results. Keep it up!
Rose and velvet has been my go to for a soothing body massage with its friendly aesthetician who (unlike previous ones have met) would tell you the truth and will guarantee result,they have also helped my skin recover from its spot and uneven tone to a now blemish free and smooth skin, without me bleaching at all at a very affordable price,for me there is no going back o.It is a total package-body care, acne control, massage,body scrub, body wrap,even hair care. I wish I could give it 6 stars.
Rose & Velvet is one spa I know they are 100 aware of what they are doing. It never looks like a guess job with them, they are absolute professional.
Rose and velvet is the best spa ever with an excellent attention to details and great customer service.
Customer care: 100 percent
Effectiveness of treatments: 100 percent
Professionalism: 100 percent
Prices very affordable
Amazing in every way.

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